Back to School!

Back in high school, some (ahemm) 20+ years ago, I decided that I wanted to become a screenwriter. The internet was new, and my hometown wasn’t exactly what you’d call a filmmaking hub – so the only way I could learn to write screenplays was to buy a shooting script of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade from Sam Goody at the mall and do my best to replicate the format in Microsoft Word. (“Legend has it she is still tabbing and hitting the space bar to this day…”)

I once hand-wrote a script on an overnight Greyhound Bus ride. It would only take a few years to sell a script and become famous, right? 😉

My conduit into the craft of screenwriting

A lot has changed since then. (Thank goodness for Final Draft)

I’ve honed my craft. Read countless books. Taken dozens of webinars and classes. Consulted with working writers. I now have a firm grasp of narrative, character arcs, and why you should use flashbacks sparingly and with great caution.

Over the years, I have written 14 scripts for feature films, short films, TV, comic books, and social media. I’ve outlined and rewritten even more. But I’m not ready to stop learning.

It’s time to make it official.

I’m proud to announce that I am 11 credits into a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing & English with a Screenwriting major.

Let’s do this.